JIM PATEREAU - Bronze Vases

Jim Patereau’s elegant bronze vases reflect a variety of sizes, shapes, types and uses. Most are used for floral displays, many include features for Ikebana arrangements, and some are designed as two or three-piece sets. 

Jim says, “It’s exciting to see a piece take shape and explain itself as it develops. The work usually starts with a sketch; proceeds to a maquette and develops into a full-scale piece. It’s also interesting to note that some of my strongest work has arrived by happy accident. “

He continues, “The way shapes play off of each other, their relationship to light and gravity, along with patinas and sanded patterns, lends a great variety of visual effects and offers a vocabulary with endless possibilities.”

Click image to enlarge, see sizes, and to purchase.

Column Vases displayed together.

If you have questions about Jim Patereau’s work,
please contact the gallery at 360-222-3070 or 800-858-5063